"Chimping" / by Anthony Sferrazza

The act and inspiration for the Website’s name…

The INSPIRATION for the name of our Website…Chimp-in-Focus was inspired, by all photographers, even those on their cellphones, who reflexively review their images immediately after snapping away…so, we are all Chimping! We hope that this lighthearted name will inspire you all to enjoy Photography with us! Keep “Chimping”, and we hope all your images are indeed a “Chimp-in-Focus!”

DEFINITION: The act of reviewing photos after taken on the camera LCF. Often done repeatedly!!

Below Photo: A tourist chimping on his Canon EOS 60D camera in Athens, Greece on October 14, 2013

A photographer in the act of "chimping".

Chimping is a colloquial term used in digital photography to describe the habit of checking every photo on the camera display (LCD) immediately after capture.

Some photographers use the term in a derogatory sense to describe the actions of amateur photographers, but the act of reviewing images on-camera is not necessarily frowned upon by professional or experienced photographers. (Credit: Google)
